Tuesday, July 14, 2009

no title~

tis morning...i went to apply Mycard with her..she lost hers...i hav book a car since sunday...but tis morning when i call the car owner..he told me tat he had 4got...then i rush back to my house n ask my housemate borrow me his car...then i went JPN kuantan with her...she lost her IC 2nd time..n d fine is RM210...reli expensive...but..,luckily v r stil student..and v can make rayuan...to decrease d fine to RM60 only...relieved~!

then..both of us go for brunch...On d way back...she suddenly said feeling not well(stomachache)...i can c her face turn pale....and she vomit in d car for 2 times...i m so worry her condition...then rush to the nearest Pusat Kesihatan at JayaGading(on d way back to Gambang)...then funny thing happened during registeration...d nurse n doctor thought v are husband n wife...and thought tat she was pregnant...keke..d doctor even ask to test d urine to check whelther is pregnant anot..haha...aft tat...v went back to our campus...n she take leave and rest in room...

aft my class...ard 6pm...i got her mesg..saying tat she stil not feeling well...then once again..i ask my housemate to borrow me his car...(cause it is too rush to rent car)..then i brought her to clinic..but when v reached...d doctor is out for dinner..during tat time..she seems to b better...and said no need to c doctor...so v go for dinner..but aft dinner..she start feeling cold again...at last i decided brought her to c d doctor...and d doctor said is food poison...n gav her 2 days leave to rest in room...

hopefully she ll b recover by tomorrow...really worry her condition...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

new semester~!!

wow~~finally come back to my university aft 2 months break..when come back to here...lots changed...lots unconfirmation...til today...stil dunno where should i live in for permenantly...dunno is kk2 here or to new hostel kk4...one more...dunno when to hav class at our new campus at pekan...tis all should thank to our management..haha....

my result for laz semester reli bad..drop a lot...myself actually felt disappointed..but tis is d fact n i cant change it....now oni can work hard in tis sem to hav better result..haha...but started one week class...i stil hav no mood to study...cant concentrate in class too...dunno y...if continue lik tis..sure tis sem ll b lik laz sem...hopefully tis condition wun last for long...

hope i got a better result tis semester...and so as all my frens....to hav a result wf flying colours...

Friday, May 1, 2009


yeah yeah~~it is time to break~~time to hav fun~~holidays start 1st may~~and it last for 2 months..so happy with tat...i m going back to my hometown tonight~~soon i can meet my parents n family~~haha....so glad....hmm~~~i m here wish all my frens...hav a wonderful holiday~~happy holidays~~ ^^

Sunday, April 19, 2009

'world class' university

my university...UMP is really a world class Uni...no water supply omoz once a month`~ha~~~

tis week..more serious...usually no water supply oni for 1 or 2 days..but tis time...4 days...til i write tis...stil hav no water supply yet..

no water...all residents in tis Uni busy searching for water to take bath...as all kno...weather in Malaysia is hot...ppl ll simply get wet coz sweat....without water...reli ll make ppl mad...ev morning n evening...can c ppl all running ard campus to find water...some go lecture toilet there bath...some go to sports complex there to bath..some even go out to petrol station to take bath...i m oso one of them....aft bath...need go back to room...under hot sun...sweat again...aiks...

i reli dunno y tis ll happen so frequent...d reason for no water supply is bcoz d pump is broken...ll a pump broken so easily..?wat i can think is...corruption~

tis week is study week...but i m sure no ppl here can conc on their stdy...coz worry to get water all d time....hopefully by tomorrow...got water~~water~~water~~~

tis is wat a World Class University~~~come n giv them a big big clap~~

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

dissapointed on myself

feeling dissapointed on myself...b4 d test 1...i spend quite a long time to stdy...make my own note while stdying...but...d result i get..totally not as my expected...i oni get half of d whole paper....omg....wat's wrong on me....y my result ll bcum lik tis...?i wonder y....haiz.....seem lik i need put more effort on my stdy...seem lik i need to ignore smth,....and conc on my stdy start fr today....hopefully i can...can get better result in test 2 n final....at least get a dean tis sem.....gambate to myself....

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


friend....is someone tat ll support u when u r down....is someone ll share ur happy moment n sadness...is someone ll giv u advice n suggestion when u face some probs....

i felt tat i m reli reli lucky....i got some friends..,tat owez support me once they kno tat i m in no mood....giving me advices n suggestions when i faced d probs....reli reli thx to u all.....i dunno wat say to u all...but...thx...is d oni word tat appear on my mind...reli reli happy to hav friends lik u all...i ll take k myself...n i wish tat u all oso can live happily... ^^ take k..my friends...

Monday, March 16, 2009

football day~~

today...got a futsal match...our team..LOKE LIM got take part....it is intra faculty matches..v r diveided into Group A...each group got 5 team..and oni d 1st two can qualify to quarter final....v played very well today...v won all 4 matches in group stage...1st game won 2-1...second game won 4-1...third game oso won 4-1....and d last game in group stage v won 1-0...n i m d scorer of tat...haha...so happy.....

in quarter final....one of our key player injured....tat game v played extremely hard..opponent scored 1st..tat was a mistake tat i make..i pass back to keeper..n d opponent grap tis chance to score...but then.,our captain..balloon...score via a superb goal....at d last minute...both my leg oso cramp....so i leave d field...n d final whistle blow...v get into penalty..kc as our keeper..save 2 balls..but our team..being save 3....so..v lose at quarter final...anyway...v all played well...thx to all LOKE LIM player....thx thx~~~v ll b back again....good job...especially our top scorer..wei liang....he hattrick in 2 matches...at group stage....thx to u all....

reli tired now...play badminton and football on thurs...football on fri..,sat..n today match...ha~!now need more rest...next sat...got one more football match..hope can win....althought tat one is tougher...v..LOKE LIM ...ll never say die...never giv up....go go LOKE LIM~~~